Klientas iš Portugalijos pagaliau gavo šilumos siurblį iš JIADELE
Po daugiau nei mėnesio siuntimo, klientas iš Portugalijos pagaliau gavo šilumos siurblį iš JIADELĖ. Kai prekės atkeliavo, išorinė pakuotė buvo nepažeista.
The customer couldn't wait to install the R134A all in one heat pump.
The controller of this product has built-in wifi and can be controlled by APP. The machine is in good condition and the customer is very satisfied with our product.
At present, the certification of the R290 all in one heat pump is also being applied for, and it will be put on the market soon.
In addition, we will transform and upgrade the appearance of the viskas viename šilumos siurblyje. The product will come out with a brand Naujas požiūris.
Prašome sekti naujienas!