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ISH Frankfurte

19.2025 kovo mėn

Heat pump technology innovation in the green energy wave

17 m. kovo 21–2025 dienomis ISH Frankfurtas, didžiausias pasaulyje ŠVOK pramonės renginys, vyks tema „Sprendimai tvariai ateičiai“. Šių metų paroda, kaip pagrindinė Europos energetikos pertvarkos platforma, pritraukė daugiau nei 1,000 įmonių iš viso pasaulio, daugiausia dėmesio skiriant naujausiems šilumos siurblių, pažangios temperatūros kontrolės ir švarios energijos technologijų pasiekimams. Šioje mokslo ir technologijų šventėje Kinijos įmonės stipriai debiutavo su naujoviškais oro energijos šilumos siurblių gaminiais ir tapo parodos akcentu dėl techninių pranašumų – didelio efektyvumo, energijos taupymo, aplinkos apsaugos ir mažo anglies dioksido kiekio.

At the exhibition site, a number of companies carried out in-depth layout around R290 environmentally friendly refrigerant response to the differentiated needs of the European market, JIADELE launched a wide range of air source heat pump products covering domestic, commercial and industrial fields. During the exhibition, there was an endless stream of merchants in front of our booth. And with customers from Germany, France, Italy in-depth discussion of customized solutions, reached a number of strategic cooperation intentions on the spot.


Pramonės tendencijos ir ateities perspektyvos

The signal released by the ISH show shows that heat pump technology is upgrading from a single heating function to an intelligent and integrated direction. With the advancement of the European Union's "Fit for 55" program, low-GWP refrigerants, photovoltaic coupling technology and intelligent control algorithms will become the focus of competition. Through continuous innovation, Chinese companies have formed technical barriers in the fields of core component research and development, system integration, etc., and are expected to further expand their share of the European market in the future. We must not only provide high-quality products, but also empower Europe's energy transition with technology, so that China's intelligent industry can become an important force in global green development.

ISH in Frankfurt saw a leap forward in heat pump technology and injected new momentum into the global energy transition. In this feast of green technology, Chinese companies are writing their own chapter with their innovative strength and contributing to the construction of a sustainable future.




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