Hot water is an essential part of life during the cold season. It’s a good way to start the day, and is also a good way to end it after a long tiring day in the office or a long commute home.
However, it also takes a toll on your wallet. If you’re looking for a more cost-effective and energy efficient way to get hot water for your home, then the all in one hot water hőszivattyús vízmelegítő just might be the answer.
Mi az a hőszivattyús vízmelegítő?
The all in one hot water heat pump water heater is a type of water heating system that uses electricity to move heat from one place to another. It works by pulling heat from the surrounding air and transferring it to a water storage tank.
Other water heating systems generate heat directly to heat up the water, whereas a heat pump water heater uses existing heat from the environment to warm the water. This process makes it more energy-efficient compared to conventional electric resistance water heaters.
- Heat Pump Unit:
- Evaporator: Absorbs heat from the surrounding air.
- Compressor: Increases the temperature of the absorbed heat.
- Condenser: Transfers the heat to the water.
- Expansion Valve: Lowers the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant before it goes back to the evaporator.
- Tároló tartály: Holds the heated water until it is needed.
- Ventilátor: Moves air over the evaporator to facilitate heat absorption.
4. Controls: Include thermostats and control boards to regulate the operation.
Heat Pump Water Heater Pros and Cons
✓ More energy efficient
A all in one hot water heat pump water heater is 2-3x more energy efficient compared to conventional water heaters. This also makes them more cost efficient in terms of utility bills.
✓ Environment friendly
In addition to being energy efficient, some heat pumps also use renewable energy sources such as geothermal energy for heating. This allows them to be independent of fossil fuels, along with their associated costs.
✓ Tax Incentives and Rebates
Some heat pump water heaters may qualify for incentives or rebates. Starting in 2023, the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit will be worth 30% of the total cost of eligible projects, up to $1,200 per year, or $2,000 per year for heat pump water heaters and heat pump space heaters.
Hőmérséklet korlátozás
Heat pump water heaters are less efficient when placed in a cold space, since they tend to cool the space they are in. This means that in order to work effectively, heat pump water heaters work best in places with a year-round temperature range of 40º to 90ºF.
Space consideration
A all in one hot water heat pump water heater also requires at least 1,000 cubic feet (28.3 cubic meters) of air space around it. They cannot be placed in a closed off, unventilated space like a closet.
Less efficient in the cold
During the fall and winter months, heat pump water heaters do not function at their optimum performance, or may be inadequate to meet a larger household’s hot water needs. They may need to be complemented by a storage or demand water heater, or utilize traditional electric elements in the tank rather than the heat pump.
Magasabb előzetes költségek
Heat pump waters range in price from $1,500 to $3,000, a much higher price tag than conventional hot water heaters. However, tax rebates and incentives can lower some of the upfront cost, and the long-term savings more than make up for the initial cost.
Heat Pump Water Heater vs Gas Water Heaters
Heat pumps are more efficient than gas water heaters, with both being more efficient than conventional electric heaters.
Működési költség
This depends on local gas prices, but heat pump water heaters are generally cheaper to operate than gas water heaters. Both have lower operating costs than conventional electric water heaters.
Telepítési költség
It depends on what you have currently installed. If you have an electric water heater, replacing it with a heat pump is simple. If you have an existing gas water heater, switching to a heat pump may be more costly.
Környezeti hatás:
Gas water heaters tend to produce greenhouse gasses, whereas heat pumps are more environmentally friendly.
Hogyan válasszunk hőszivattyús vízmelegítőt
Size and First Hour Rating
Sizing is determined by the first hour rating. This is the number of gallons of hot water the heater can supply per hour with a full tank of hot water. The rating should match your peak hour demand, which is the highest-use one-hour period of your household.
To know your home’s peak hour demand, determine the busiest hour of water usage in your household. Add up the gallons used during that period. You can use the table below to estimate water usage for typical household activities.
After determining the size, you’ll want to look at the energy efficiency. Heat pump water heater efficiency is measured by the energy factor, which is a number based on the amount of hot water produced per unit of fuel or power consumed over a regular day.
This balances the recovery efficiency and losses from being on standby as well as from the cycling of water through the system. The higher the energy factor number, the more efficient the heat pump water heater is.
Működési költség
Apart from the price tag and installation cost, you should also take the operating costs into consideration. To estimate the unit’s operating costs, use this formula:
365 days / year x 12.03 kWh / day ÷ EF (Energy Factor) x Fuel Cost ($/kWh) = annual cost of operation
The 12.03 kWh / day figure is the average daily energy usage, based on a Department of Energy test procedure for hot water heaters, for a household of three.
termékeink Recommended Heat Pump Water Heaters
This heat pump water heater has a 300L storage capacity,to meet the needs of bigger households.It can reduce heat loss, result in less energy consumption, improved operation efficiencies and jacket rigidity.
The all in one hot water heat pump water heater are an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly option for heating water, while boasting lower operating costs.Check out our selection today and enjoy comfortable hot water that’s easy on your wallet as well as the environment!